Monday, October 11, 2010

So very sleepy.....

October 10, 2010

Jack had another big week last week.  I can't believe how exhausted I am, but things keep going well for Jack and his development, and health, so I keep powering on.  I can't remember anymore what Jack and I did in days past, so going forward, I am going to keep more in my calendar.  But rest assured, the basics are being covered!  Meds, physical therapy and vitals checks always occur, as do meals and sleep (for Jack, anyway) and dry diapers.  But I can't remember, for the life of me, which friend kept Jack last Monday while I went to tae kwon do.  I know it was a capable person, whom I trust (no one else is allowed to be with him, unsupervised) but seriously, if you kept Jack last Monday, let me know!  ;-)

On Tuesday of last week, we went to the hepatologist (liver doctor) for a follow up.  Dr Vos has been treating Jack for an enlarged liver and jaundice since before he was discharged from the NICU .  It is believe that his liver was enlarged, in part, due to the backward pressures in Jack's heart, and that since a repair had been done, the liver would be much improved.  And so it was!  It felt much smaller and soft, which it is supposed to, and so Dr Vos allowed me to cease two medications, and begin to wean off a third!  The office will call me this week with the blood results, and they may show that one of the meds will have to be returned to the rotation, but I am praying not.  I am hoping that this small step forward will not be paired with a step back.   Unless something happens to change the plan, Dr Vos believes that she won't have to see Jack again.  One doctor off the rotation!!  Yay!!  Half a dozen more to go...

While we were at Egleston, we visited the NICU, and got to visit with doctors and nurses who were there when Jack was admitted and discharged.  Dr Hamrick, the neonatologist who was with Jack the day he was admitted to Egleston, was amazed at his appearance, and said she would never have picked him out of a lineup.  And Nurse Kathy, who made sure I watched the videos on "Back is Best for Sleeping" and the "Period of Purple Crying" was there too.  Jack charmed everyone and I was so proud he was able to show them how hard he was working since he'd left them.

It is now almost midnight, and I seriously can't remember what I did yesterday, much less last week, so I will close, and leave you with the pictures below.  Jack had another fashionable and cute week.  Enjoy!

Baby Fashionisto:  Plaid jumper with bull dozer.  How sweet!!  And his socks match the dozer!

"Boy" onesie.  I love this onesie, it's so cute, with the male sign on the chest!  And the blue pants, I just bought, and he's already outgrowing.  He clearly loves having his picture taken every morning!

This outfit is just a white onesie with striped pants, but he looked so familiar to me.  Then I realized, he looks like my Great Uncle, "Papa" who raised my Mother and her siblings, and several cousins, too.  I always remember him in a white t-shirt, or tank top, stretched tight over an ample stomach, with either slacks or pajama pants.  Also notice Jack's band-aid.  That's from where they took blood at the hepatologist.  I wanted to take it off, but he said "leave it Mama, chicks dig it."  Hee!

One pouty puppy.  Here I had clearly overstepped my bounds.  I thought that a hat that looks like a puppy face was precious, and very appropriate for our errand running.  Jack disagreed and scowled quite a bit.  However, as soon as the first woman coo'd at him, and said how cute the hat was, he perked up and turned on the smiles!

Jack and Aunt Katie enjoying a lunch, al fresco.  The weather here has been just beautiful, and so we had lunch on the patio.  Aren't they cute together?  Jack loves Aunt Katie!

Jack Laton has custom made clothing.  Yep!  That's Kay Lynn, a good friend of ours, and his seamstress.  She is making Jack a teeny-tiny dobok (tae kwon do uniform) for the Health Kick fundraiser this weekend.  This is actually the second one she's made.  He outgrew the one she made just a week ago!!  She is going to trim it in black, with baby blue.  I can't wait!

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