Sunday, August 22, 2010

Gerber Baby? Nope!! Way Cuter!!

 August 22, 2010

We finally got Jack's 3-month portraits back, and they are fantastic!!  I have posted a few below, so let me know what you think!!

We have had quite a week since the last post.  For starters, JACK ROLLED OVER!!  He did it three times, but only because I kept rolling him back over to his tummy so I could video tape it.  By the third time, he was getting fairly upset with me, so I had to stop, but it was so exciting!  It's amazing that of all the things I've accomplished in my life, I found such heart-filling joy from watching Jack "just" roll over.  I anticipate many more milestones in his life, that will no-doubt be the best things I've ever experienced!

I think that I actually posted the video to Youtube, but it's my first, so I'm not sure.  Check out the link below, and hopefully see Jack rolling over!!

Jack is actually a little bit ahead of the "delayed development" that was expected due to his prematurity and cardiac condition.  So, he's still behind a four month old full term baby, but ahead of where they thought he'd be.  The cardiologist and pediatrician both suggested that because I am at home with him, and work with him all day, that he may be able to surpass some of the limitations that he has.  He is unable to go to daycare due ot his heart condition.  The risk of complications from something as simple as a cold would put him in the hospital.  The cardiologist even commented that Jack has a "beautiful head," and that many of the babies she sees have a flat spot from being laid down so much.  She said she could tell that I don't just lay him down all day.  I appreciated her noticing, since I do work hard to avoid that.  But in all honesty, this kid is starting life out with such a heavy load of disadvantages, the least I can do is a little daily massage, physical therapy, reading and heavy duty loving on him!

As some of you may know, my stepmother passed away on Friday.  Jack and I visited her on Tuesday, and even in hospice, in what was surely a difficult maneuver, she insisted on standing up to kiss Jack.  She watched me feed him, and him fussing, and she said he was a strong boy.  She was very loving to family, especially my Daddy, and Jack and I will miss her.

Maggie and Jack

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful Pictures!! The middle one shouts, "Life is Wonderful!"
