Monday, August 16, 2010

1st Post-Cath Follow-Up!

August 16, 2010

Today was Jack's three week follow up from the heart cath balloon procedure, and it went GREAT!!

He weighs 14 pounds!!!!  He had lost some weight after the cath, so he's back on track, packing on the lbs!
He is 24 inches long!!!  He's growing like a weed!

AND, his heart was doing so well that the doctor didn't think they needed to do an echo!!!  His oxygen saturations were at 94%!!!!!!  That is an amazing improvement of around 9 percentage points since the cath.  He had been around 85% saturation before the procedure, and a "normal" heart like mine, or yours works at 100% saturation.  Jack is closing in on his "big boy" heart!!!!!

He was also quite the flirt this morning, as his horoscope had predicted!!  Check him out below, flirting with the nurse who was doing his EKG.  He was charming the pants off the nurses, the doctors, and even the receptionist!!!  He's really feeling better, and it shows!

We are maintainig the same meds, feeding and activity protocol for a bit longer, and he'll go back in two weeks to check on things.  Here's hoping for continued heart improvement!!

ALSO - He turned over this morning!  He was on the couch, so I think the cushions may have been a factor, and I haven't been able to recreate the feat, yet, so we'll call it a "maybe milestone."  I'll keep trying and let you know when the experiment has been repeated!!


1 comment:

  1. Great news! He looks like such a happy little fellow. If you were not aware of his health issues, you sure couldn't tell from this photo! Savor these moments, there are no 'do overs' in the growth process!

    God bless,
