Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Happy First Birthday!!!!

Today, I woke up the mother of a one-year-old.  Jack is no longer a baby!!  He is growing into a toddler, and a strong and happy one at that!  Below are the first photos of him in this, his second year of life:

He loves to see me in the morning.  It's the best part of my day, by far.  Here he is peeking through the slats in his crib...

And here he is from above.  Notice that there are three pacifiers within reach of his mouth.  That may, in fact, be why he's so happy.  I will continue to believe it's me, though!!

The petite prince getting his bath!  He loves it when I do his hair up like that!

And finally, here he is in his birthday outfit!  He wants to make sure that everyone who sees us has the opportunity to dote on him and fuss over his hard won first birthday! 

So, now we are on our way to Mr. Bob's studio to get Jack's one year photos.  They will be precious for sure.  We will also enjoy this day together for all the struggle and blessing that the past year has brought us. 

Maggie and Jack!


  1. such a sweet one year old. what boy wouldn't be happy with a mom like you and THREE pacis in the crib!


  2. So sweet and precious. Hope you all have a great birthday day together!


  3. WONDERFUL PHOTOS!! A miracle indeed!
